2012 Feng Shui shows that it is expected that elements like Water and Earth to bring prosperity to the industries that deal with wood. Also, it is expected that these elements bring nice earnings to those who deal land businesses. This is explained by the fact that Wood conquers Earth, which is a symbol for money in the wood industry. This one includes textiles, paper, books, media, environment issues, food and and consumer durables.
Due to the fact that the Earth conquers Water, industries that are based on the element Earth might prosper this year, according to the 2012 Feng Shui. Earth industries include properties, mines, insurances. Though, the earned money are not that much, since the Dragon refers to the Earth, so the this one’s industries meet a strong competition, according to the 2012 Feng Shui.
Industries that won’t be so profitable this year, according to the 2012 Feng Shui are those related to Water. Among these are included: sailing, beverage, transportation and communications. Water conquers Fire, but there is a total lack of the second element in 2012, which leads to the idea that this zone is totally unprofitable. Metal’s industry is productive this year, since Water is produces by Metal. Though, metal industries, like banks, IT and cars need wood in order to earn money. Since this year’s word is not Wood, as the 2012 Feng Shui reveals, there will be no profit here. Fire industries, like finances, share market and energy are not that stable, because the Water turns off the Fire. This is how we can see that the share market and finances are not domains that people should approach to in 2012.

Banks and finances tsunami, that started in 2008 has been sustained by the absentee of Fire and Water, which generated fear. 2012 Feng Shui shows that banks are actually Metal and they need Fire in order to melt into good tools. Finances and banks are the strongest related to Fire, thing that generates optimism, so the total lack of Fire in 2008 is the responsible fact for the financial disaster and bank’s crisis that took place.

Tiger was the mother and the seed of Fire in 2010. That is why we have been witnesses at the come-back of economy and optimism. This one lasted till 2011, when the Wooden Rabbit could still handle Fire, even if its power was smaller than the Tiger’s. This thing explains, with the help of 2012 Feng Shui why people started losing faith in august, 2011 and how this year, the total absentee of Fire might cause an economical regression.

In conclusion, according to 2012 Feng Shui, industries that will make people earn money this year, which is the Dragon’s Year, are those related to Wood and Earth. Wood industries are related to textiles, fashion, durable consumers, paper, books, environment’s industry, woods, furniture, etc. Metal industry is also active, but won’t have a very big profit, due to the fact that Wood, the element of money is absent. Metal industries include banks, cars, engineering, computers and high-tech. Water’s industry will enter a caution year with unstable factors, because the element of money – Fire – is absent. Water’s section is built on sailing, communication, beverage and spa.

Earth industry will benefit from a conservative success, because for it, money is represented by Water. This element will also have Dragon as a competitor. Fire’s industry, which includes share market, finances, energy and entertainment won’t manage very well in 2012, because the element of money is metal, and this one is completely absent this year.