The Chinese character for Water is a ‘strong ocean’ which may also symbolize the qualities of a brave, strong, enthusiastic and a bit impulsive person. In general, Water is associated to intelligence and ability, according to 2012 Feng Shui and not only. Such qualities are often found in the art’s people performance, but also at people who love to explore innovative ideas.
People who are born in a day under the sign of Water, often show courage and strength. A typical example of famous man born under such sign is Ludwig von Beethoven. He was a strong person, market by the element Water and reflecting through his music the ocean’s big energy. Also, 2012 Feng Shui and Feng Shui in general shows that another famous person born under the sign of Water is Bill Gates. Without his intelligence and courage, strength and enthusiasm we wouldn’t have enjoyed computers today.

Another examples of famous people who were born under the sign of Water are: Tom Cruise, Warren Buffet, Paul McCartney, Kate Middleton, Prince Henry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Douglas, Freddie Mercury, Joan Jett si Ai Wei Wei. These people have all proved courage, innovation au have become role-models. Besides business people with new ideas and famous artists, these are often enthusiastic when thinking about studying the Chinese Feng Shui science and metaphysics. Those born under the sign of Water own a very large enthusiasm and they want to explore and gather new knowledge as the 2012 Feng Shui reveals.

The past two years, 2010 and 2011 are the years when the Metal attacked Wood. We know that from the Feng Shui art in general and from the 2012 Feng Shui. That happened due to the fact that Wood is the symbol of trees and nature, so there were serious environment destructions, as the oil leaks from the Mexico Golf in 2010 or the radioactive and nuclear crisis from Fukushima in 2011. So, the influence of these two elements ended this year, according to the 2012 Feng Shui. Water and Earth are not that damaging anymore for the environment. In fact, both elements are benefic for tree’s growing process and that is why we should see a progress in the environment’s protection.

Nevertheless, Water above Earth shows mud and creates good circumstances for the spread of viruses and an epidemic state. The last year Water governed, 195.258.000 cases of poliomyelitis were registered in the USA. So, this year, as the 2012 Feng Shui indicates, we can expect illnesses such as malaria, stomach issues and kidneys issues. In Chinese medicine, kidney is represented by Water.

The Dragon is an Earth element which symbolizes muscles and cells. An excess regarding Earth elements is a sign for cancer. The absentee of Fire this year is also not fortunate for those who suffer because of the heart.

Airline companies enter the category of the element Fire, so when the Fire is weak or absentee, these may be in trouble, according to 2012 Feng Shui. Knowing this thing, we should also expect some companies to crash this year. Environment issues may exist too in 2012, as the Feng Shui shows, due to the total lack of Fire in the pair Water-Earth. Therefore, this year is not appropriate for plane flights and we can expect a large number of accidents in this area in June, July and October.