Customer privacy

Confidentialitatea informatiilor The trust that you, as customers, give to our counseling and consultation Arta Feng Shui Romania, when you call for our services, is very important for us. La fel de importanta este si confidentialitatea datelor dv. cu care noi intram in contact. Chiar daca exista informatii publice despre firma dv, sau despre propria persoana, serviciile pe care vi le oferim sunt protejate, in politica noastra de confidentialitate. Equally important is your privacy we’re dealing with. No aspect of the services you require are disclosed to other customers. We do not talk about your services to third parties. If we want to use your name or to post some pictures on our site, we will ask for your permission. If you have questions about our work or about our privacy policy: Act right now. 3 easy ways to contact us. a. Phone: +40 316 205 238; + 021 310 92 88 b. Mobile: +40 76 00 11 988 c. Send this form.

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