The brain is programmed to associate one or more colors with certain emotions and different situations, but not everybody understands the same way colors. Luscher test, psychologists, doctors, researchers have filtered the light and treated several diseases. Drug called color has received the name “chromotherapy”. Chromotherapy is the energetic medicine, an art that uses color where and how it is need it in order to gain balance for the body and in order to stimulate and accelerated self-healing.

The power of color

Each color has its own vibration. The entire color spectrum influences us emotionally, decreases or increases our vitality. Colors emit their own energy and this can been seen in the Feng Shui art when there are certain harmonious ambiences created in the analyzed spaces. Through the physiologic and psychological effect it creates, there are wanted sensations created and in the meanwhile, the Chi energy is balanced. One color can decrease or increase a space and can distract our attention from some imperfections of the house. Have you ever noticed the effect of that line in front of the bank teller which makes you stay away from the next person? That’s the chromotherapy.

Let’s understand the color

In our day by day activity we must take into account what color do we use and not use it in a random way. By understanding colors we will know how to choose and use them. Daily we confront this situation. It’s important for us to know what colors to choose in the places we work, but also where we rest.
“Believe it or not, colors influence our energy. People who make researches say that human beings don’t see colors in the real way, but we feel the effects of the vibrations on our biological mechanism.”
Dr. Mac Naughton