If someone asked me about Feng Shui, personally I’d recommend its introduction as a study discipline in schools. – Raymond Lo Feng Shui – Art of communicating change The work “Feng Shui – art of communicating change” is a premier in Romania. It represents the only work presented in the Romanian educational system which approaches Feng Shui art as a method of improving the education of young people and students. Today, this work is the base of the educational project conceived and presented at a national level by Arta Feng Shui Romania. In the meantime, this project is a part of a personal developing program called “Art of making your life more beautiful”. Master work – Feng Shui – Art of communicating change Authenticity of the work Master work The Interior of the work I’ve considered that the Feng Shui art can complete very well the knowledge about life that students have achieved in school, as well as the knowledge of the adults who are interested in personal development programs. Educational Feng Shui project In 2009 the idea of the educational project appeared. The trust in Feng Shui, the major changes in our lives, the experience we’ve gained through consultation, courses and seminars have all determined the office “Arta Feng Shui Romania” to propose Feng Shui as a form of education for those who are interested in money, health and harmonious relationships.

The First Feng Shui master work in the university education from Romania

The information from in the courses signed by our professor Raymond Lo have represented the base. Daily and thorough study of the Feng Shui art determined consultants Valentina and Florian Ciupitu to do some research and elaborate the work called “Educational project Feng Shui”. The master work “Feng Shui – Art of communicating change” has been realized, presented and sustained by Valentine Ciupitu in February, 2011. This special event took place at the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, from the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, with help from professor Grigore Georgiu, the headmaster of the Department of Culture’s Philosophy. In accordance with the declaration of authenticity, it is considered the only Feng Shui work, presented as an education form for children, young people and adults, sustained in a superior system of education in Romania or other country. The work has been presented as a life philosophy, a way of improving life aspects and understanding yourself. The theory of the work is based on practical examples that prove a harmony state which leads to health, financial prosperity and better relationships with people around you. Why this work? Nowadays, the humanity is going through a major change. It’s the moment when people need education. The actual crisis is nothing else but a change at the global level when big transformations take place. Why a work on Chinese metaphysics? Because this culture’s life philosophy is simple, easy to understand and apply and it comes from the people’s life. We’re talking about a philosophy which resisted thousand of year to many changes. Why was the work presented in an education system? From the same reasons that important personalities of the humanity have considered that education is necessary for the whole life. Seneca used to say that even ‘old people must continue learning’. Comenius used to say that ‘for each person life is a school, from the beginning till the end’. Nicolae Iorga used to say that ‘a person who learns all the time and also helps others is the one who actually does something for his life’.