Color affects us and influences us by transforming our behavior. The best way to see this thing is through cromotherapy.

How does the color influence us?

Relaxation or depression, fatigue or revival, energy or unbearable: these can be a few of the states that color can induce us.
We cannot say it doesn’t matter to us the color of our clothes, car we drive or walls we have in the apartment, because it does. Also, it has a certain effect on us, because in certain circumstances we say: “I want a warmer, calmer color” or “I want something more flashy”.
In day by day life try to pay more attention to the way you feel around a certain color and which are the states that this one gives you. That is how you can get to some conclusions related to the influence of one or another color from the color spectrum.

Spaces influence us

We enter shops, we go to the office, we visit friends, people we know, we go to the Mall, etc. We enter different spaces, according to each person’s interests. It happens that certain spaces to be wellbeing for us, or on the contrary, make us be depressive and feel the negative vibrations. When you get a positive or negative state, look at the colors around you and make some comparisons between different states you’ve had in different moments.